Learning Modules

Using Your Stationary Oxygen Concentrator
Learn about stationary oxygen concentrators, how they work, and how to use them effectively and safely.
Using Your Portable Oxygen Concentrator
Learn about portable oxygen concentrators, how they work, and how to use them effectively and safely.
Using Oxygen Tanks
Learn about oxygen tanks (also known as oxygen cylinders), how they work, and how to use them effectively and safely.
Using Oxygen Safely
Learn about using oxygen concentrators and tanks safely.
Understanding Oxygen Therapy
Experts answer frequently asked questions about oxygen therapy to help you get the facts.
Oxygen Therapy and COPD
Experts answer frequently asked questions about oxygen therapy for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Oxygen Therapy and ILD
Experts answer frequently asked questions about oxygen therapy for Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD).
Oxygen Therapy After Hospitalization
Experts answer frequently asked questions about oxygen therapy after a hospital stay.
Oxygen Therapy and Healthy Living
Experts answer frequently asked questions and provide general health tips for people on oxygen therapy.
Oxygen Therapy Patient Stories
Patient advocates share their personal knowledge and experience with oxygen therapy.

Welcome to You and Oxygen Therapy

An Animated Guide to Oxygen Therapy for Lung Diseases

This resource is intended for patients using oxygen therapy, as well as caregivers and those that are interested in learning about oxygen therapy. You will find expert advice to help you discuss key issues with your healthcare provider and make important decisions related to management and treatment. Easy-to-understand animations, expert videos, patient stories, and illustrated slide shows are available to you. You are invited to provide feedback to help direct future content as this site becomes part of your personal information resource.

We hope this site will be useful to you, but it is not a substitute for the medical advice of your doctor. If you have questions please contact us here. By using this site you agree to the terms of use.

Get Started
Learn about a variety of topics on oxygen therapy through short animations.
Slide Shows
Access visually informative slide presentations on oxygen therapy.
Oxygen Therapy Quiz
How well do you know oxygen therapy? Test your knowledge to find out!
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